Regarding accents, the southern drawl has to be the trickiest to negotiate. One can either sound extremely charming and dignified; or sound simply backcountry ignorant. Eric had the charming kind of southern drawl and I knew I liked him from the moment we met.
What makes this particular upcoming infidelity incredulous was that Eric actually worked in the same office as my husband. I will go on the record as stating this was the most repulsive indifference toward my marriage out of all of my affairs thus far. I will attempt to rationalize my actions, but you shouldn’t let me because an ethical line was clearly crossed.
This story requires two parts as it is essential to share the journey just before everything happened with Eric. I’ll share how my ex-husband had a blatant disregard for our marriage as well; always tending to his need to socialize and drink. I’ll elaborate on his behavior—not as justification of my own—but to provide a broad scope based on my recollection of events.
Essentially, there really aren’t any victims here. Well, that’s not entirely true; our marriage itself fell victim to our disrespect of each other’s needs, lack of communication, and poor decision making.