I'm sorry this happened to you...It can be really disregulating to receive messages like that, even if you immediately block them. Writing about it can definitely help though...we gotta find some way to sort through the emotions when it happens :(

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Sadly, as I mentioned in the article, it's not the first time. I easily just ignore and move on. As the kids say, it just hit different this time around. Thank you for your comment.

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"Sex Demystified is dedicated to the exploration of all facets of human sexuality, unburdened by societal shame." --Yes! And, I so felt this: "There persists a troubling and moralistic notion that a woman's attire, makeup, or even her choice to write about sexuality somehow implies she is "asking for it." The challenge of writing openly about sex, because it's a fascinating subject matter, while contending with the fact that some readers are going to take that as an invitation. We have a long way to go as a culture...respect that you're contributing to our collective evolution here!

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We definitely can't continue to be complacent about the behaviors we endure online. You are absolutely right that society has a long way to go — both online and in every day life. Thank you so very much for your reply!

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